I use paint and technique as storyteller. The colors, sounds, fragrances and energy of a place are unique to that location and time, and can change dramatically in the space of 24 hours. I draw on my own individual experiences from a wellspring of memories and impressions collected over many years of travelling. However, my richest source of inspiration has been the Wood River Valley and the Mountains of Idaho where I have lived for many years. In particular, plein air painting in this sparkling, rich environment has been an endless source of inspiration. At times these paintings and sketches are finished works in their own right, sometimes I work those paintings into larger pieces in the studio later. In order to express my impression of a place, I use all materials - oil paint, pastel, plaster, watercolor, pencil, charcoal - virtually anything that leaves color or a mark in its wake. I do not limit myself to one particular style of painting (abstract, representational, etc.). I prefer to allow the subject to guide the style that best reflects the spirit of that which is being painted. deborahkirbyart@yahoo.com